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Saturday 24 November 2018


Print Media and Broadcast media perform very important functions in today’s world. They both supply us information, which range from the latest news updates to the latest commodities on the market. Print media and broadcast media supply us with information that we would otherwise not get access to.
What is a print media?
A print media is a news organization such as newspapers and magazines that produce news and stories that are meant to be read.
What is broadcast media?
A broadcast media on the other hand is a news organization that supplies people with news in a format that can be heard or viewed. Examples of broadcast media are the radio and television.
Difference Between Print Media and Broadcast Media
Print media reaches its audience through a visual medium only, whereas broadcast media reaches its audience through audio and audiovisual means.

The length of news differs significantly in both print and broadcast media. In a newspaper for example, journalists can write into great details about a news event, whereas in broadcast media, it is not the same. With broadcast media, journalists are limited time during which news has to be given. The journalist telling the story of an event in print media has the opportunity to elaborate on the story but a reporter in the broadcast media usually gives a summary of the news event.

The control the audience of the print media has over that of the broadcast media is greater. For example readers reading a newspaper or magazine can decide which information they want to read, whereas in broadcast media, the listener or viewer cannot choose what he wants to view or hear. A newspaper reader can skip pages he does not want to look at. For example if I am reading a newspaper and come across advertisements, I can easily skip these pages and move on to the next pertinent one. This however is not the case when listening to the news on the radio or watching the news on the television. In broadcast media, the audience is forced to listen or watch the advertisement.

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