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Friday 24 August 2018


A conflict usually occurs when two or more people communicate. When people think of conflict in simple terms, they think that happens when serious issues and anger is invoked in communication process. Conflict is misinterpreting one’s words or value. Inappropriate, poor communicated information and selecting the wrong channel to transmit the information arise in the parties. There are numerous conflict management styles such as passive aggressive style, forcing style, avoiding style, accommodating style, compromising style, and collaborating style.  There are two different types of conflict; one of it is task conflict and focuses on the ways to resolve problems. The other type of conflict is called relationship conflict and focuses on blaming other parties rather than resolve the conflict.
Relationship conflict is negative in most of the people’s perceptions. Conflict in an organization affects the commitment and absenteeism of employees. Nowadays, employees have strong beliefs. According to Pygmalion’s Theory, the supervisors’ attitude and expectations of employees and how they treat them largely determine the employees’ performance. When a conflict arises between supervisor and subordinates, and the employees think that the supervisors has low expectation of them, the employees will be committed and may use absenteeism to escape (avoiding style) from the conflict. Managers, supervisors, employers and leaders should use different type of conflict management styles when facing different kind of subordinates, employees and team members. If a manager (employer or leader) only uses one type of conflict management style in handling all conflict in the workplace, it may not work as they expect it to. In conflict response, a supervisor is not only affecting the relationship between the supervisor-subordinate, it also affects the trust and loyalty of subordinate that perceived a supervisor as a representative of the organization. Despite that, there are several factors that can trigger a conflict. By understanding the types of conflict, supervisors can use appropriate conflict resolution styles. If a conflict is left unresolved, it may cause serious consequences. In today’s globalization era, the internet is a widely used communication tool.
Although internet communication has increased the efficiency and productivity of organizations, it has also created new types of conflicts. Conflict through internet has become more frequent.

Conflict refers to some form of friction, or discord arising within a group when the beliefs or actions of one or more members of the group are either resisted by or unacceptable to one or more members of another group. Conflict can arise between members of the same group, known as intragroup conflict, or it can occur between members of two or more groups, and involve violence, interpersonal discord conflict. Conflict in groups often follows a specific course. Routine group interaction is first disrupted by an initial conflict, often caused by differences of opinion, disagreements between members, or scarcity of resources. At this point, the group is no longer united, and may split into coalitions. This period of conflict escalation in some cases gives way to a conflict resolution stage, after which the group can eventually return to routine group interaction

Experience in human society has shown that there are degrees of variation in conflicts. Conflicts are in types. Psychology as a discipline has espoused on intra-personal conflict. Sociology identifies inter-personal as well as intra-group or intra-unit conflict, as well as inter-group conflict. Political Science and History have identified inter-ethnic or inter-state conflict as well as international conflict.

Intra-personal conflict:          This refers to a state of implosion in an individual shaped by the state of mind. It is however important to know that such human state is largely dictated by circumstances around him. Such situations are anger, depression, confusion, frustration, which could lead to aggression, erratic behavior.

Inter-personal conflict:      This is what has been described as “man against man” in the micro sense. This type of conflict may be direct opposition, as in exchange of blows, a gunfight or a robbery, or it may be a more subtle conflict between the desires of two or more person.
Family conflict: This type of conflict occurs in a family unit. Sociologists would describe this as intra-unit conflict. In most cases, these conflicts arise from crisis occasioned by familial roles, expectations and role conflict. Examples include father-son, mother-father, husband-wife, brother-sister conflict. It may also imply cousin-cousin, nephew-uncle, sister-in-law or brother-in-law conflict.

Inter-Group conflict:     This refers to the kind of disagreement or feud that takes places between two or more sectarian or religious groups, ethnic groups, communities, or interest groups. The contention between Christians and Moslems in Nigeria is a classic example of inter-faith conflict.

Intra-State conflict:     This type of conflict is confined within the borders of a sovereign state. Such economic factors as land, uneven development, resource control and revenue-sharing formula could cause a conflict within a state.

Inter-State conflict:     This type of conflict is also known as international conflict. This is a conflict between two or more states. In some cases, this type of conflict degenerates to a state of war.

Global conflict:     This should not be mistaken for inter-state conflict, although it also connotes international conflict. This kind of international conflict however transcends the type which involves two or more sovereign states.

Ø A lack of common understanding
Ø Poor communication skills
Ø Unclear or unfair expectations
Ø Power plays and manipulations
Ø Poor management.
Ø Unfair treatment.
Ø Unclear job roles.
Ø Inadequate training.
Ø Poor work environment.
Ø Lack of equal opportunities.
Ø Bullying and harassment

Mental Health Concerns
Conflict within an organization can cause members to become frustrated if they feel as if there’s no solution in sight, or if they feel that their opinions go unrecognized by other group members. As a result, members become stressed, which adversely affects their professional and personal lives. Organization members may have problems sleeping, loss of appetite or overeating, headaches and become unapproachable. In some instances, organization members may avoid meetings to prevent themselves from experiencing stress and stress-related symptoms.

Mental Health Concerns
Conflict within an organization can cause members to become frustrated if they feel as if there’s no solution in sight, or if they feel that their opinions go unrecognized by other group members. As a result, members become stressed, which adversely affects their professional and personal lives. Organization members may have problems sleeping, loss of appetite or overeating, headaches and become unapproachable. In some instances, organization members may avoid meetings to prevent themselves from experiencing stress and stress-related symptoms.

Decrease in Productivity
When an organization spends much of its time dealing with conflict, members take time away from focusing on the core goals they are tasked with achieving. Conflict causes members to focus less on the project at hand and more on gossiping about conflict or venting about frustrations. As a result, organizations can lose money, donors and access to essential resources.

Employee Turnover
Organization members who are increasingly frustrated with the level of conflict within an organization may decide to end their membership. This is especially detrimental when members are a part of the executive board or heads of committees. Once members begin to leave, the organization has to recruit new members and appoint acting board members. In extreme cases, where several members leave or an executive board steps down, organizations risk dissolution.

When conflict escalates without mediation, intense situations may arise between organization members. It’s unfortunate, but organizational conflicts may cause violence among members, resulting in legal problems for members and possibly the organization.
Inspire Creativity; Fortunately, some organization members view conflict as an opportunity for finding creative solutions to solve problems. Conflict can inspire members to brainstorm ideas, while examining problems from various perspectives.

Share and Respect Opinions:
As organization members work together to solve conflict, they are more willing to share their opinions with the group. Conflict can also cause members to actively listen to each as they work to accomplish the organizations’ goals.

Improve Future Communication:
Conflict can bring group members together and help them learn more about each other. From learning each others’ opinions on topics relevant to the organization’s growth to understanding each member’s preferred communication style, conflict within an organization can give members the tools necessary to easily solve conflicts in the future.

Identify New Members:
Within organizations members actively participate in each meeting, enjoy serving on multiple committees and have an opinion on each topic the group discusses. There are also members who seemingly contribute little to the group and observe more than talk. Conflict within an organization can inspire typically silent members to step up and demonstrate their leadership skills by offering meaningful solutions to the problem the group is facing.

Ø The capacity to recognize and respond to important matters
Ø A readiness to forgive and forget
Ø The ability to seek compromise and avoid punishing
Ø A belief that resolution can support the interests and needs of both parties

From the discussion thus far, it is quite evident that conflicts occur in organizations as a result of competition for supremacy, leadership style, scarcity of common resources, etc., These reduces staff satisfaction about the job and also reduces productivity or service rendered. Thus, early recognition of the conflict and paying attention to the conflicting parties is very important. Negotiation between parties involved is the best way to resolve conflict while force should not be used at all.

Peer Review (2012). Caras and Associates Incorporation online from peer-review.

Scott, Elizabeth (2011). Conflict resolution: Mistakes to Avoid Stress Management online from. Conflictstress.html. Accessed May 12, 2013.

Victor, David A. (2012) Conflict Management and Negotiation. Encyclopedia for Business. Online.

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